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Nar Shaddaa
Region: Hutt Space
Orbitting: Nal Hutta
Sim Status: Coded
Atmosphere: Hospitable
Topography: Urbanized & Mechanized
Points of Interest: Burning Deck, Slag Pit
Affiliation: Hutt, Independent

The largest moon of Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa is commonly referred to as the Smuggler's Moon; and common to Coruscant in that the surface of the moon is completely covered in urban sprawl though that is where the similarity ends. Under control of the Hutts for as long as anyone can remember, it is a filthy sesspool of crime.

While it is commonly considered Independent, the moon has been the site of several large scale battles between the warring factions of the galaxy. The end of the Nar Shaddaa Revolution saw the end of the control of the Hutts on the moon, power moving to the aspiring crime lord Thanos who faded from public eyes. Years of struggles between interested parties and would be crime lords allowed illicit chaos to rage across all levels of the smugglers moon. Some of the most vile beings of the galaxy took advantage and laid down roots in the lower levels, making the moon one of the most dangerous locations in the galaxy. Currently it is said that a Lorda by the title of Night Parade rules over Nar Shaddaa and so long as dues are paid to him at the palace. He interferes not at all with whatever dealings occur in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa.

Notable Battles[]

Current OOC contact[]

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