
HIMS Subjugator
HIMS Subjugator
Class: Victory-class Star Destroyer
Launched: 10 BBY
Built at: Rendili StarDrive, Rendili
Principality: Galactic Empire
Sim Status: Coded
Ops Status: Destroyed
Mods: None
Embarked Units

HIMS Subjugator was a Victory-class Star Destroyer in the Imperial Navy. Departing port for the first time in 10 BBY, Subjugator was assigned to the Tenth Imperial Outer Rim Battlegroup.

She led an uneventful career, but would soon be brought to Imperial Center in 4 ABY to defend the planet from invasion. She was responsible for the destruction of two Alliance frigates, but was forced to retreat to Dreven upon orders.

She would later participate in the Second Battle of Coruscant as a unit of the Emperor's Pride Fleet. After the failure of Warlord Tagger's campaign, Subjugator was once again relegated to patrol duties.

She would finally be destroyed at the Fourth Battle of Coruscant, the only Imperial casualty during the Imperial feint.

Victory-class Star Destroyer
HIMS Eviscerator | HIMS Malignant | HIMS Renegade | NRSD Fusillade | NRSD Reprisal | GSS Black Eagle | CDF Coronet | CSAV Profiteer | CSAV Corporate Buyout
Victory II-class Star Destroyer
HIMS Nemesis | CSAV Litigator

Ships listed here are those specifically represented on the MUSH as being in active service and excludes those vessels decommissioned or destroyed.
It does not reflect the total number of vessels of this class
